
Posts Tagged ‘Second Epistle to Timothy’

For many years, I didn’t ‘get’ that satan would always try to work on us, on me. I would ‘get an uneasy feeling’ about something going on in my life. The kind of feeling that would make me anxious, unsure, disturbed. A thought would flash across my brain and then flash again, and again, and again until it was so consuming it dominated my mind.  It wasn’t a ‘good feeling’ – it was not a ‘fleeting thought’.  It would keep coming up in my mind to get me worked up over something. Something that made me feel bad about me.  God doesn’t make us feel bad about ourselves – satan does.

When satan is working behind the scenes (which he always is) that ‘feeling’ is something that can make us feel bad, insecure, afraid, angry, resentful, and eventually guilty and unworthy. When those feelings start to cross your mind – BE ALERT! Because by the time we get to feeling the guilt & unworthiness – satan has accomplished his mission. He’s beaten us up, broke us down and then sits and revels in his cruelty.

I didn’t understand that satan’s power is real. I didn’t understand how he works to push us to those feelings of guilt and unworthiness in order to make us weak and resentful. Nor did I see that it’s at the exact moment we allow ourselves to engage in a ‘pity party’, that he  ‘scores a big one’.

People get depressed and give into their fears. People drink or drug to forget their fears. People distract themselves with money, material things, are self-indulgent to discount their feelings. The truth is there will always be pain and suffering, and there will always be temptation to give in or give up.  When we lie, steal, cheat, get full of pride, show unloving behavior, refuse to forgive, behave recklessly, act cruel we are choosing to  act out one of these behaviors, giving into temptation and then comes the suffering.

These behaviors are not encouraged by God. They are not encouraged by anyone who LOVES you. Giving in and giving up is not meant for us. These behaviors are illustrations of satan’s existence in our everyday life.

What can we do to cope with our hardships, sufferings, and troubles? I have found strength and encouragement in reading the Bible, praying for understanding as I read, and following the guidance it provides closer each day. The Bible is full of preventative measures.  It’s good for the soul, for the heart and for the body. It provides honesty, strength, sound direction and food for reflection. It has taught me that I have to “Remain faithful and Endure” just as Jesus did. I have learned that there is no one that cares for us like Jehovah God and his son Jesus do. And I am ever so grateful to know “It’s not all about me” and that “Thing’s are not of my doing, but Gods, and for his glory.”

2 Timothy 3:10-13 10 But you, Timothy, certainly know what I teach, and how I live, and what my purpose in life is. You know my faith, my patience, my love, and my endurance. 11 You know how much persecution and suffering I have endured. You know all about how I was persecuted in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra—but the Lord rescued me from all of it. 12 Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

Hebrews 12:15 15 Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch that no bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.

My peaceful, easy place is a gift from God to me. God’s gift of peacefulness allows me the ability to ‘Be faithful and endure.” I pray you accept the peace that he offers to you too.

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